
Extraordinary SA Rugby

The Extraordinary Book of South African Rugby by Wim van der Berg

The anecdotes show the fanatics of the rugby fan whether spectator, player or administrator. Manie Reyneke, former CEO of the Lions franchise was late for his wedding reception. He felt that playing a club game was far more important that celebrating his wedding. Controversial fan, Piet van Zyl, also makes an appearance in the book. He is that little rotund man who interrupted a test game by tackling and injuring a ref because he was not happy with the ref’s decisions.


Somehow, the rugby writer cannot stay away from statistics. Van der Berg is no exception. What would rugby be without reminders about how many times the Boks lost a Tri-nations test, how many tries were scored at a game or how many people attend the Easter Rugby festivals.


For the most part of the book, it is interesting. I would like to have seen an index at the end of the book. And a final request. Can we please move away from numbers and focus on stories that entertain?


ISBN: 978-0-143-528807

Ulrike Hill
Score:  3/5
Word count: 238
Review Date:   5th July 2012

Business Writers

Find your Creative Voice

The world is changing. People realise that making money is not the key to happiness.

I receive many emails from people who want to write a book and looking at these emails has made me wonder if creativity is what people are searching for. People want more from life. It seems that life is a constant running around like hamsters on a wheel; running with no purpose other than to meet month-end commitments

So what happened to creativity?

Children learn using their senses and exploring their creativity during their formative years. Far too soon, the teacher starts to strangle creativity and demands that they colour in the lines and use blue for the sky and green for the grass.

Have you noticed the sky today? What colour is it? Grey? Blue?

Creativity is not about stereotyping. It is about life experiences and thinking out of the box. Freedom of expression is important in developing this skill.

Business is about meeting deadlines, reaching sales targets and keeping a wary eye on budgets. People are consumed by a world of balancing salaries and monthly expenses. No wonder creativity flies out of the window. Numbers have started to rule and dominated our creativity.

The search for creativity

Years ago, I trained as an English teacher. After three years in the classroom, the lure of earning a decent salary moved me into the corporate world. But, I still had that hole in my soul. Something was missing. The money was great but I was not happy. Years later, I changed careers once again. I went into adult training and found that I had a natural talent. I loved teaching people how to write. I found that people who wanted to learn how to plot their books and develop their characters inspired me. I found my creative side. I found that companies who attended my Story of a Business course went back to their workplace understanding the language of their company. They were able to identify with the character that the company had become. They found that they could still be creative in an environment that may not seem to be creative.

Finding your creativity

Attend a creative writing course, photography class or look back to your school days. What did you enjoy doing? What made you feel like the hours rolled by without you noticing? Perhaps it was sewing or building model aeroplanes. Find time to pursue your creativity.

All it requires is taking time out from your busy schedule. Create some ‘me’ time. Slow down and get back to basics: use your five senses to experience the beauty that surrounds you. Keep a journal. Who knows? Perhaps one day that journal will keep you.
