Business Writers

Watch Your Words


Many people cannot understand why they do not achieve. They look at successful people and believe that these people have all the luck. But is it really all about luck? Not according to Gary Player. He has often been quoted as saying: “The more I practise, the luckier I get.” And, the beauty about luck is that it is so easy to get. So how do you improve your luck?

[box] “A serious problem with reactive language is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Robert Heller[/box]

Step One: Develop self-awareness

One way of gaining self-awareness is to look at your everyday language. What type of words are you using? The words you use will show how you perceive your world. Do the following words sound familiar? “I can’t do anything about it” or “I don’t care”.

People under perform because they limit their ambitions. These limitations are shown through language that they use.

Analyse your language to see in what way you are holding yourself back. Here is an exercise for you. Look at your language and the language of those around you for a whole day. Write down the words you hear or words you use.  What does this reveal about you and these people?

For example, “He makes me angry.” This is illogical. You choose to be angry. The other person did not force you to be angry. He may have said something that you did not like but he does not have control over your emotions. Only you do.

Step Two: Develop a habit

Successful people have good habits. It takes 21 days to develop a habit. Not all habits are bad.  You can develop good ones. You have to focus on developing a good habit. Decide today that your language will always be positive. The glass is not half-empty. It is half-full.

The language of someone who is control of their life is about being proactive. Reflect on the things that you can do something about and accept the things you cannot change.

Examine the following reactive and proactive phrases:

Reactive Proactive
That’s just the way that I am I can choose a different approach
There’s no use asking, he will say no I’ll make an offer he cannot refuse
I couldn’t do that, it’s not my sort of thing I’ve never done that before but I’d love to try
If only I will
I have to I choose to

Every time your thoughts become negative turn them into positive thoughts. Before you know it, you will become a positive person. When someone presents you with a problem, see it as a challenge: something to test your abilities rather than setting up for failure.

Step Three: Become a better you

Now that you are thinking positive thoughts and using positive words, you will find that people will enjoy your company. You will no longer be the person with a dark cloud around your head. And, when the going gets tough? Well you know what positive people say? “The tough get going!”


By Ulrike Hill

Storyteller, mentor and innovator. I aim to change the world with stories.

One reply on “Watch Your Words”

It is the beginning of a new years resolutions and all that, so I am taking your advice and will use more positive language throughout each day… I can and I will be a happier person.

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